Myotherapy 101: Understanding the Basics and Benefits

Founded on western medical principles including anatomy, physiology and biomechanics myotherapy is a hands-on treatment approach to improve the integrity of soft tissue structures (muscles, fascia, ligaments and tendons). Myotherapy incorporates a wide range of therapeutic techniques that can identify and treat many muscle related injuries, pain syndromes and postural imbalances. The word myotherapy comes …

The Role of Podiatry in Sports: Improving Performance and Preventing Injuries

Foot and ankle pain is not normal and it is a clear sign that there is something wrong with your feet. Whether it is caused by a hereditary medical condition, repetitive motions at work or during exercise, wearing inappropriate footwear or an injury, podiatrists can quickly identify the cause and prescribe the right treatment plan …

Advancements in Virtual Physiotherapy – Bridging the Gap in Pandemic Times

Many physical therapists were laid off during the COVID-19 pandemic and switched to a hybrid model of in person visits with video conferencing. During interviews, many self-practicing PTs and clinic owners emphasized telehealth as a sustainable business model. VR is a technology in constant evolution that can be used to improve the physiotherapy burwood experience. …