Sprained Ankle: When Is It Time to See a Doctor?

If you have recently sprained your ankle, there are a few things you should do to make sure the injury heals properly. Most importantly, you should keep the ankle iced and elevated as much as possible. However, there may come a time when you need to see a doctor. In this blog post, we will discuss when it is time to see a doctor for a sprained ankle.

If you have sprained your ankle, the first thing you should do is ice it. Ice helps to reduce swelling and inflammation. It is important to keep the ankle iced for at least 48 hours after the injury. You can use a bag of frozen peas or an ice pack wrapped in a towel. Apply the ice for 20 minutes and then take a break for 20 minutes. Repeat this process as often as possible during the first 48 hours.

After 48 hours, you can start to use heat on your ankle. This will help to increase blood flow and reduce stiffness. Use a heating pad set on low or take a warm bath or shower. Apply heat for 20 minutes and then take a break for 20 minutes. Repeat this process as often as needed.

You should also keep your ankle elevated as much as possible. This will help to reduce swelling. Prop your ankle up on a pillow when you are sitting or lying down. Try to elevate your ankle above the level of your heart.

If you are still experiencing pain and swelling after 48 hours, it is time to see a Ankle Sprains Burnside. You may need medication or physical therapy to help treat your injury. An Ankle Sprains Unley can also give you specific exercises to help improve range of motion and strength. If you wait too long to see a doctor, you may be at risk for further injury or complications. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention if you are still in pain after 48 hours. They can provide you with medication or physical therapy to help speed up the healing process.

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We hope this blog post was helpful! If you have any questions or concerns, please consult your doctor. And remember, if you are ever in doubt, it is always better to err on the side of caution and see a doctor sooner rather than later. Better safe than sorry! Thanks for reading!